Effort accomplishment of life facilities and basic facilities believe in basically is tanggungjawab society, because government is also have tanggungjawab of construction of life believe in in society, hence government have given the aid for the agenda of accomplishment of the requirement.
Residents amount Kabupaten Bantaeng year of 2006 the embrace the Islamic Religion equal to 99,68 [gratuity/ %] and 0,32 [gratuity/ %] are the non moslem.
Observance medium in Kabupaten Bantaeng in the year 2006 counted 443 the consisting of the mosque of 303, impinging 138 and church 2.
Acceptors amount KB active in Kabupaten Bantaeng year of 2006 noted 22.016 people, where 30,71 [gratuity/ %] wear the pill, 2,27 [gratuity/ %] wear IUD, 0,57 [gratuity/ %] wear the condom, 55,11 [gratuity/ %] use the injection and the rest of 11,34 [gratuity/ %] wear the other intrauterine device. Percentage of acceptor KB active to PUS [about/around] 77,65 [gratuity/ %].
Usage of intrauterine device according to type or way use it look to be influenced by education storey;level etcetera, this matter still needed to give the further understanding and counselling concerning mamfaat KB. health.
As for medium service of health in Kabupaten Bantaeng in the year 2006 have made available in the form of [common/ public] hospital counted 1, puskesmas / pustu 34, puskesmas circle 13, clinical centre of 2 and 25 polindes. Amount of medicals of is practice of counted 26 people, countryside area of 52 people, dispensary of 5 and drugstore counted 17. Beside that in Kabupaten Bantaeng the amount of health energies is in the year 2006 counted 239 people. have to be made balance to with ready [of] education facilities and basic facilities, good [of] formal education and non formal.
District Bissappu Nama functionary Tk. District, Kepala Kelurahan, Kepala Desa and Luas area Desa / Sub-District in District Bissappu
District Bantaeng Nama functionary Tk. District, Kepala Kelurahan, Wide Head Countryside [of] Countryside area and Sub-District in District Bantaeng
District Tompobulu Nama functionary Tk. District, Kepala Kelurahan, Kepala Desa Luas area Desa and Kelurahan in Kecamatan Tompobulu Bantaeng as shares Kerajaan Gowa by then perform [a] mass resistance.
